DaDa is very sensitive to RESPECT
Firstly, respect for the environment: by choosing eco-responsible materials.
For swimsuits, the ECONYL ® . What is that ? they are fabrics made from plastic recovered from seas and oceans. They are then transformed into thread in order to be woven to give a beautiful quality fabric - from Italy.
The fabrics of the accessories are made with organic linen (GOTS) cultivated in France, then woven in Belgium, as well as with other fabrics in upcycling. (recycled clothing for example).
Regarding the fall of the productions, they are reused to create small accessories.
The materials used are European, if possible from neighboring countries to avoid a high level of CO2 linked to transport.

Respect for manufacturing
DaDa products are designed in Switzerland with a lot of love.
Unfortunately, still too many clothes that can be found in shops are made by people who do not have good working conditions and who are underpaid.
Say No to fast fashion and yes to slow fashion !!!
The fast fashion produces in quantities which are not reasonable, the unsold ones are then destroyed (but their manufacture used a lot of fossil energy and water)
Slow fashion, on the other hand, produces in a thoughtful way: we do not produce more than demand, which means that there is less wasted energy.
Fast fashion does not think of quality: the important thing is to produce while changing trends regularly so that people are forced to change their clothes to be at the forefront of fashion, making the product beautiful. very ephemeral. On the contrary, slow fashion will want to create quality with beautiful cuts that highlight you. You will want to keep your clothes on for a very long time.
And finally, with fast fashion, the ridiculous price of the goods is paid to the detriment of workers who often work in unacceptable conditions and who are not paid enough. Slow fashion is made with love. When you buy a slow product you are paying for it.
We revalue products when we buy slow!